The owner of this project is a post 80s from a pharmacy family, as the third generation, he hopes to subvert the traditional image of pharmacy and melt it into the diversified modern environment. Just like MOLECURE is split and reorganized from words "Molecule" and "Cure", while approaching to the design, we returns to the original purpose of pharmacy- extracting molecule from nature to synthesize healing drugs. Thus we get the idea of building a space which we named "green in the lab", combining the seemingly conflicting qualities of "primitive" with "technology", just like new compounds formed due to molecular bombardment.
本案業主是藥局世家的一位80後年輕人,家傳第三代的他希望顛覆藥局的傳統業態使其融於當代的多元語境。一如MOLECURE源自Molecule(分子)與Cure(健康)拆分重組的取意寄望,回歸到製藥原點,從自然界萃取分子合成對人體有治癒功能的藥品,發展出綠色實驗室「green in the lab」的空間定位,將「原始」與「科技」看似衝突的特質結合,正如不同分子撞擊形成新的化合物。