Les Fauves
Residential | 150m²|Taiwan
The residence owner, who has engaged in the boutique business and possessed of extensive traveling experience, cultivates her taste in aesthetic. Composing of blue, green and gold copper colour, the visional motif is contrasting but harmonious. As if Henri Matisse's famous painting "The Dance II", with orange colour blending in discordant blue and green pigments, reveals a vibrant art style which called Les Fauves.
從事精品訂製與豐富旅行經驗,培養業主對於質料、色彩與美感的細緻敏銳。「色與料」成為空間姿態及質感的謬思,醒目藍綠色沖擊成的室內基調,以銅金線條交織勾勒成,一幅宛如Matisse《The Dance II》繪畫構圖。非協調的藍綠冷調,隨橙橘暖調進行畫面串聯,一如野獸派般奔放奪目的個性品味。
從事精品訂製與豐富旅行經驗,培養業主對於質料、色彩與美感的細緻敏銳。「色與料」成為空間姿態及質感的謬思,醒目藍綠色沖擊成的室內基調,以銅金線條交織勾勒成,一幅宛如Matisse《The Dance II》繪畫構圖。非協調的藍綠冷調,隨橙橘暖調進行畫面串聯,一如野獸派般奔放奪目的個性品味。