Flow of Time
Residential | 426m²|Taichung
Time moves forward on the clock based on scale with a constant velocity, and here it is uniform without exception; but for the material surface, time freely penetrates and spreads around in all directions, changing the appearance of material slightly or significantly. The so-called traces of time should be referred to as the existence of time just in a romantic way.
時間在鐘面上按刻度等速前進,均質而無一例外;但在物質表面,時間是朝四面八方自由地滲透蔓延,或深或淺改變了物的外貌,所謂歲月的痕跡,或許更應稱為時間存在的浪漫形式。 地面自然漸層的義大利黑色系水磨石、紋理天然的洞石、立體而富量感的山毛櫸實木,選擇之初,即希望藉由它們的特質隨日光及使用軌跡累積出值得等待的醇厚。
時間在鐘面上按刻度等速前進,均質而無一例外;但在物質表面,時間是朝四面八方自由地滲透蔓延,或深或淺改變了物的外貌,所謂歲月的痕跡,或許更應稱為時間存在的浪漫形式。 地面自然漸層的義大利黑色系水磨石、紋理天然的洞石、立體而富量感的山毛櫸實木,選擇之初,即希望藉由它們的特質隨日光及使用軌跡累積出值得等待的醇厚。