1. The long base of the project has a continuous window view and a ribbon-like terrace. The owners, who are familiar with the mountains, have moved to the outskirts of the city yet still chosen to live near the National Palace Museum, a place with mountains and streams, hoping that the feelings that nature once brought them would continue to grow here. We see the living environment as a text that echoes with the outdoor streams and forests, and attempt to find the tone of an expressive space among the collections of the National Palace Museum. Glazed landscape, the gray tones of the mountains Porcelain is close to life and is used throughout the ages. In ancient times, many famous kilns produced porcelain with unique glaze colors that reflected the four seasons of earth, such as the moon white, sky blue, and sprinkled blue. These colors present the ancient elegance of mountains and rivers in the haze of rain and smoke vaguely. Therefore, we have adopted porcelain glaze to connect the scenery and life, and used porcelain as a language to write figuratively into the architecture.

    本案長型基地一側擁有連貫窗景和帶狀露台,熟悉山林的屋主遷至市郊生活仍擇鄰近故宮、一處有山有溪的住所,希望自然曾經帶給他們的情懷能在此繼續生長。我們將起居環境視為呼應戶外溪林的文本,企圖在故宮藏品間找到表現空間的調子。 以釉寓景,灰調的山色 瓷器貼近生活、貫穿古今,古代多處著名窯廠所製瓷器,其獨到釉色轉注天地四季例如月白、天青、灑藍,呈現山川在煙雨朦朧中的古雅,點到為止。因此我們以瓷釉串接景色生活,用瓷器當語言將具象寫入建築。
    Secret Colors
    Residential | 147m² | Taipei City
Waterfrom Design in
水相設計    台北
T +886-2-27005007
F +886-2-27005006
Rm. 702, 7F., No. 47, Sec. 3, Zhongshan
N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104
Waterfrom Design in
水相設計    上海
Room 2204, No.18, Lane 800, Huashan Road, Changning District, Shanghai
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