Kazimir Malevich, pioneer of monochrome painting, said: “Make everything detached from colour and its association; object is a form and texture that bring out beauty and spirit." The colour system is the fundamental strategy of the design. White colour paint and saturated milky colour oak appear to be the two exclusive colours and materials.
"抽離一切色彩情緒,純粹強調物件的造型與觸感,體現抽象主義中的極簡精神。" Monochrome painting先驅Kazimir Malevich的"whitw on white"一片白的中央出現另一個白色的幾何方塊,回歸到最低限度的虛無精神。沒有強烈的明暗對比,純淨的白色與溫暖的橡木色是空間中唯一的兩種色系,讓空間的設計降到最低限。
單色 Monochrome
新北 New Taipei|Residential | 200m²
Waterfrom Design in Taipei
水相設計 台北
T +886-2-27005007 F +886-2-27005006
5F., No. 35, Aly. 20, Ln. 407, Sec. 2, Tiding Blvd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114