1. In the past Jinan, the spring water was gurgling all day long, and the flowing image permeated into the sense of hearing and consciousness, which softened the mood of the whole city. When the rationality of modernism penetrates life and rewrites the city, how can we add space for lyrical imagination to the rationality of architecture? WATERFROM DESIGN attempts to soften the contemporary architecture of rationalism with the past street style of the city of spring water to enable this space to merge into the 72 springs of city of spring water and become the image of No. 73 trickle. The huge canvas with geometric color blocks stacked to a minimum level injects rich emotions into minimalist rationality, which is close to the modernist proposition of "color-field painting.” However, it is filled with creative emotions, such as passionate shouts and quietness. The work releases the turmoil, penetrates the daily lives and impacts the hearts of people.

    曾經的濟南,泉水淙淙鎮日為伴,流動意象滲入聽覺和意識,柔軟整座城的心緒。當現代主義的理性效率滲入生活、以俐落筆觸改寫城市天際,該如何替建築的理性添入抒情想像空間?水相設計企圖以泉城過往曲水垂柳的街戶風貌,柔化當代理性主義架構的建築,讓此空間匯入泉城72泉,成為第73號涓流的意象。 為極簡理性注入層次豐沛的情感,貼近現代主義「色域繪畫」的主張,巨幅畫布看似低限度疊放幾何色塊,卻蘊藏滿腔創作情緒,無論激昂吶喊、幽微沉靜,作品釋放騷動穿透日常、直搗心底。
    Construction No. 73
    濟南 Jinan | Reception center | 1350m² 
    China Overseas | 中海濟南寰宇藝術中心
Waterfrom Design in
水相設計    台北
T +886-2-27005007
F +886-2-27005006
5F., No. 35, Aly. 20, Ln. 407, Sec. 2, Tiding Blvd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114
Waterfrom Design in
水相設計    上海
Room 2204, No.18, Lane 800, Huashan Road, Changning District, Shanghai
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